Sunday, November 15, 2015

Barista @ The Vertical Church

I've been on a couple of teams at The Vertical Church here.  I play guitar or I volunteer at the coffee shop.  This week was the coffee shop.  When I work there, I am reminded of my job at Caribou or my role as the "education barista" at Crown.  Good times.  My inner barista cringes at the coffee at TVC, however.  The Folgers we make for the free coffee devastates me.  Then the financial question comes in:  Can churches justify brewing high quality coffee for higher cost or should they stick with the ground "ground" known as Folgers?

Can churches justify brewing high quality coffee for higher cost or should they stick with the ground "ground" known as Folgers?

Please feel free to get interactive with this question and comment below (unless your comment is "yes get Starbucks coffee!" because my inner Caribou will metaphorically "kick" you with strong facts and opinions that I've gathered as a barista at the Bou.

Also, until this question is answer, Mr. Klemme will be bringing in his own coffee to enjoy as he serves the Folgers.

1 comment:

  1. Step 1: How much would it actually cost extra per week to go high end? You might be surprised at it not being as much as you expect. But, if too much for every Sunday, maybe a "Coffee Day" on a consistent monthly basis would work, e.g. 1st Sunday of each month.
    Step 1a: Put a donation can out there somewhere. If the coffee is really incredible, folks will throw in something to keep it going. When you reach a certain amount of donations to pay for coffee for a Sunday, declare an additional, "thank you" Coffee Day (assuming you're currently 1/month normally).
    Step 2: Whichever you pick, use it to reach out to the local area, invite them to come for that incredible coffee. Maybe even have it at the end of service and open to the community for "coffee hour" and get to meet folks.
    Step 3: Open a thrift store.
