Friday, July 31, 2015

Final Week of Planning: Enter Week "0"!

So this was the last week of planning.  The whole staff was here planning this week, so it was very busy but exciting to see the school fully staffed!  In this, we have a lot of great learning coaches, and staff.  It's been so helpful having a great, supporting team on third grade, as I've needed help doing "creative" things to decorating.  I call my room "practical" but that's just giving an excuse for the lack of creativity.  In that, on of the 3rd grade learning coaches really stepped up and helped me do that "creative" stuff in my class.  A highlight of her work is shown in this picture.

This was created because Thursday all of my other team busted out these cutesy sayings with all the student's names on it for welcoming them, and I had nothing.  So I just asked the learning coach, Candy, if she would make something for me, and she made this.  Anyways, I was super impressed by this, and really thankful for it too.  

Entering Week "0"!

So we have our "first" week this week, but it's only a half week with kids, so it's been nicknamed week "0."  We have an open house with all the families on Monday, as well as a ribbon cutting for the new building, Wednesday we have a day with only Kinder students, so the whole staff can help them out with getting adjusted to school life, and then Thursday all grades will be here!  This week is also just half week, so students will leave at lunch, so it won't be too hard, but first weeks are always nerve racking.  So to settle the nerves, this weekend me and 3 other Crown students will be adventuring to San Diego.  That will be tomorrow, so hopefully some exciting stories of the beach!  Anyways, getting excited to finally meet all these students, and bring on week 0!

Monday, July 27, 2015

Oh the Little Things You Don't Think About Until You Don't Have.

So I have a couple of fails that happened today.... I was buying food, and appart from all the real, healthy food I bought (which totally happened...) I bought some ice cream and supplies for nachos.  In that, I had some choices: hot fudge or chocolate sauce; cheese sauce or shredded cheese.  In these choices I chose the hot fudge and shredded cheese.  Both my first pick, yet I did not take into account a very important aspect of these fine dishes: a microwave.  Something I didn't think about until it was too late...I still did the snacks I wanted...just in an irregular way.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

The Weekend, Taking it easy.

The Weekend: 

So I've finished up my first week of staff training, it all went well, and so the weekend came along and so I had a pretty non-eventful weekend.  I bought some supplies for the classroom on Saturday, and tried to get some furniture, but the places I went to (which were Goodwill and Salvation Army) didn't have the things that I wanted for the price I wanted (I guess I'm picky or something!)  So did that, and mostly stayed inside.  Sunday was going to be the day that I finally did Telegraph Pass, but unfortunately my guide (another 3rd grade teacher) went to Mexico and wasn't able to make it back in time.  So instead of that, I went to the Colorado River and went for a swim.  Apparently a big attraction in this heat is tubing down the river.  There are even businesses that will drive you up the river to tube down it.  The catch is that you need to be in a group of at least 4...Guess I'm 3 people shy!  So instead of doing that, I parked my car, walked up the river, and rode the current back.  It was nice and cool for a 110 day!  So from that, not a super exciting weekend, but I look forward to the next week of staff training with the entire team!  Getting to know everyone will make it a fun week!  So that's all for now!  

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Week 1: Crisis Prevention Institution (CPI) Training, Mountain Climbing pt. 2 & 3, and Internet!!

CPI Training: 

So at my school we had two morning sessions of about 3 hours of nonviolent crisis intervention, through CPI, and it got...Interesting.  The story I want to share is on day 2 of this.  So the set up is that this is our first week of DVA staff training.  In this first week, we are a bunch of new people to each other and to the school.  We don't know everyone really at all, but we are getting more acquainted.  In this training, however, I would say we got a bit too acquainted at some points.  We had to practice nonviolent moves to get some muscle memory for them.  We got into pairs and had one person as the teacher practicing these moves and the student doing the specific incident.  One example would be someone throwing a punch at you, and practicing moving out of the way and block with one hand.  (for me the nonviolent actions were hard because I took some mixed marshal arts that has blocks then quick punches to an opening in their defenses...Can't really call that a nonviolent intervention though!)  We got into partners and tried a whole bunch of punches, kicks, and grabs.  Some were weird, but one definitely took gold on the awkward award...That was the bite.  We're all adults, we don't bite, and we don't really want to.  So we didn't actually bite one another (thankfully) but just pretended to by bringing our faces about 2 inches away from our partners.  If that wasn't awkward enough to do to a stranger, the move to get out of this positioning brought the awkward to the next level.  We were told that scientifically the human jaw will release if someone lightly brushes (AKA tickles!) underneath the nose...So picture me, partnered with someone that I just had a conversation about their name and position at DVA, having to tickle right under their nose to release a fake bite on my arm.  Yeah.  Let the awkwardness soak in.  Unfortunately I have no photos or video evidence of this endeavor, but let it be know, it was awkward.  But no, this training was important, and I did learn a lot about how to not only get out of sticky situations in a nonviolent way (like a bite) but also how to know the signs of kids who may soon act out in a potentially harmful manner.  So I embrace the awkwardness 100% while thinking in my head the whole time "It's for the kids!" 

Mountain Climbing pt. 2 & 3:

On a less awkward note, there's this place called telegraph pass that is in Yuma that I have heard about multiple times and desired to go to it.  So with these stories I took the last two evenings to find and climb this passageway up a mountain.  My first attempt I did not turn in the right place and ended up about 1.25 miles away from the mountain, but I still walked it and climbed up the mountain and walked the 1.25 miles back.  I thought it was "close enough" to the telegraph pass so I told others I went to it.  They all said "nope not the same" and then gave me the directions to actually get there.  I went out a second time (which is mountain climbing pt. 3 because I went to a different mountain on Saturday...See Weekend Adventure & First Day! for that story).  This second time I went to the correct start, but went on "the cross path" not telegraph pass, and it again didn't count.  After that 2nd failed attempt, one of my coworkers offered to take me there to not make the mistake again.  So I will FINALLY climb up telegraph pass come this Sunday (if I can make it...many locals say it's too hot to do that this time of year.)  I have a few photos from these "failed attempts."  Oh, and I also finally saw a rattle snake!  It was just a baby one, but it was pretty cool looking, and gave me quite the scare on the peak of the mountain!  It was awesome.  Anyways, gander at my photos!  

The 1.25mi walk to the mountain

The sunset (prettier in person I must say!)

Gotta get the cactus silhouette picture!

Top of the mountain!

Cross Mountain 

*That's why I call it Cross Mountain*

Tryin' to be Artsy 


I finally have internet at my apartment!  Yes.  Win.  I'm sure I am more excited than y'all, but that means an easier time for me to blog, which means more post for you all to read. (I can just hear the applause y'all are making).  Anyways, in this situation, I am now spending more time at my apartment, and I am finding that the desire to furnish the place is getting strong.  I have a card table, four chairs, and a futon that I am using as a mattress...I desire more in the living room.  This is what happens when you get internet.  Anyways, that's all for now, except a bonus science experiment picture bonus!  It's called "Walking Water" and the orange, green, and purple cups didn't have any water into it at the start!  (Hence, "Walking" Water.)  

Bonus Picture.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Weekend Adventures & First Day!

Saturday:  Mountain Hike

So this weekend I was without internet.  So naturally I went to a coffee shop for coffee and internet (called North End Coffeehouse if you're ever in the area and want a good cold brew).  That was the AM of the day.  I also decided to do some traveling and exploring outside.  Since California is right next door, I decided to go there to a random place that was a desert and appeared to have mountains.  Once when I go to this place that had mountains, I just found a place to park and climbed a mountain.   Retrospect, maybe not the best idea. It had very limited cellphone service, no population, and no one around Yuma knew my whereabouts.  Nonetheless, it was pretty fun!  I just picked a mountain and climbed it!  I got a few photos that I will share to show some of my experiences.  Those of you in the midwest may look at the deserted areas like I do, which are thoughts like this "OHMYGOSH A CACTIS!  COOOOOOOL!"  Yup.  I'm sure (and know) that the natives to Yuma laugh at the excitement I have while seeing a cactus (and now you know why I traveled into the middle of the desert to find an unpopulated mountain!)  So yes.  The pictures will be below.  


The "Hmmm I want to climb the mountain in the distance" mountain.



One of the many cool landscapes I saw.

Sunday:  Biking

So on Sunday, I decided to go on a bike ride to get acquainted with the heat here.  (Note that everyone here says it's basically too hot to do anything...Including biking.)  So I decided to go out to a historical place in Yuma known as the "Yuma Territorial Prison."  That is about a 6ish mile bike to the destination and another 6 back.  So not too bad of a bike ride, but not short by any means.  I cycled around the area and founds some cool historical things, cool natural things, and also dry desert things....All of which are intriguing.  Unfortunately the main attraction of the prison wasn't something I did (both because I was on a bike, but also that it was closed at the time) so I just went around as a pleased. After spending a good amount of time exploring that area filled with history, nature, and deserts, I decided to head back. As I did so, I took a dirt road to the main path and found it the most exhausting part of my whole trip.  I remember talking to some locals and how they would say "be careful as you go out in the heat...A lot of people think they know there limits and then suddenly are hit with major fatigue."  That statement started running through my head but thought it was just the path I took.  Once when I made it off the path, I still was struggling keeping the pace I once had.  I was really confused, hot, and tired.  I stopped for a bit to get water and try to see what was wrong when I noticed something.  This something was none other than the most flat tire ever.  Essentially the cap came off my tire, and it moved off so that the spout for the air was just gone.  So the back tire was completely flat.  Fact:  on a late Sunday afternoon in Yuma, there are no bike shops open.  So with a 6 mile journey ahead of me, I braved the heat.  It took a combo of biking with a flat and walking to get back.  So all in all, I know how hot it can get here in Yuma, yet I can survive!  

Monday: First Day

So Monday was my first day.  It was good, but mostly paperwork.  I got to plan some with the 3rd grade team and it's really a great team.  I am looking forward to the school year! We did a whole bunch of stuff with paperwork, insurance, and even a retirement plan...Odd.  I don't feel like I should work on my retirement already...But hey!  Gotta start somewhere.  So yes.  Orientation was good, and have another 2 weeks of it before the kiddos!  

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Arrival to Yuma! Apartment & Classroom.


Well I am moved into my apartment now!  It's been really busy moving in!  I haven't had internet in my apartment yet...So sorry for such a long time of no post here.  The place is starting to become a home though!  I have all the stuff I brought put where I think it should be and set there...Only now I need to get some things in order to make it look like a livable space!  I have some pictures here, and it's coming together, but there's a lot of things that need to go into it!  Like who wants to buy a vacuum?...Well...I guess I do, now that messes are being made.  Anyways, it's been good to be getting the start!


Dinner Table

The Living Room (In need of more things) 

The bed room (needs a bit more light I'd say!)

Walk in closet in the bedroom!

The bathroom.


So I visited my class on Tuesday for a bit, as well as Thursday.  It was pretty overwhelming I must say.  Seeing the whole thing filled with curriculum boxes and things needing to be put together.  It was pretty stressful.  Thankfully my team, which already unpacked their things, helped me strategically place everything to give some structure to the room.  That was very nice as I just kinda stood there looking at everything.  It will be good, though.  I went again today and knew what I was doing (at least that day) and got it done.  So that's good.  I still have some things to do, however, so that will be tomorrow!  We start up some training next week so I will have some more ideas and needs within the room from there!  It's really nice though!  Everything is new because it is a new building, and they just added a 4th member to the 3rd grade team (aka ME!)  It's very exciting.  I'm still so surprised at how much work it is to get a class ready to go, let alone moving into a new area!  But either way, I'm very happy and exciting for this new chapter on life! 

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Crown Point New Mexico: Brother, Bulls, & Being The Minority


Dad, Peter, & Myself.

So we stopped in Crown Point New Mexico to visit my young brother, Peter.  It was great to see him.  I feel that he has gotten taller, but either way he is doing very well!  It was great to see him and all he is doing in NM.  He is on a team with NextStep Ministries where he works with youth groups and families that come in to help out the community.  The area of Crown Point is a Native American Reservation and so they help out with work projects, community events, and anything else that people could need.  I've been following what he's been doing from a biweekly email they send out, but living and helping them makes the whole thing a reality.  The email has always had a section that asks the readers to pray for their plumbing situation, as their septic tanks are not working.  I read it and didn't see it as big of a deal until I made it there...They have 5 porta-potties which seems like plenty, but they have groups of around 60 or more HS students all using them with only a weekly disposal of wastes....Let's just say I've never been so exited to go to gas station bathrooms!  Other than that, the crew there is great and my littl...My brother is doing quite well.  In this adventure, the team invited my father and me to something I've never done nor thought I'd do...A rodeo. 

Bull Riding Rodeo:

So we were told that we had to really "experience" the rodeo, which meant getting to the fine establishment quite early to get good seats.  We got there around 5:30pm and waited for the fun to start.  I personally think we got there a bit on the early side as it didn't start till 8pm.  Anyways, this was mostly watching people riding bulls and try to be the best at riding bulls.  There are rules and regulations on bull riding, but essentially consisted on staying on for 8 seconds and doing it "smoothly."  But let's be real, we watch to see people fly off.  At least, that's what I did.  And the only thing that makes it more entertaining is when it is in slow motion!  Enjoy the Slo-Mo Bull riding video.  It shows how crazy people are out west, yet how durable the human body is.  Don't worry, the fall wasn't too bad, I would deem it a "G" rating, so fun for the whole family!  

They also had a fireworks show and a place where they burned an emblem of a bull with fire.  It was pretty rad.  It kind of looks like a cult or something...But it's cool, it's norming 'round the southwest.  

The Bull Emblem.

Being the Minority:

As I went to the rodeo, as well as just being on a Navajo Reservation, I experienced being the minority in this culture.  I think something that is very important for every person's life is to be the minority.  Being at a Reservation was just that for me.  I've been the minority at other parts of my life, but it's a really great reminder that there are different cultures and belief systems than my own.  And in that, it was a humbling experience to be a part of the amazing area of Crown Point New Mexico!  And I'm sure once when I get to Yuma (which is right by the boarder of Mexico) I will again have an opportunity that my culture may not be the main culture in the city!  Tomorrow is the day that I get to Yuma, I said my goodbyes to Crown Point and am now in Phoenix in a hotel.  Tomorrow is the move in day, and I am looking forward to finally making it to Yuma!  

Thursday, July 9, 2015

On the Road (Again)

The Goodbyes.

Well, the move is official, after an amazing week of seeing Indiana family members, to sharing some food and drink with dear friends, having an amazing time at Valley Fair, so the time of goodbyes has now come to an end.  Goodbyes are always hard.  I can guess the next date in which I will see many people, but the future is never as certain as we hope it to be.  In that, however, it has been truly a blessing to see, say, and hear kind words from loved ones from MN.  

On the Road (Again)

Today (Thursday July 9th) my father and I have set off down the south in hopes to reach a hotel in Oklahoma.  This 12 hour trip has come post to a trip to a 11 hour drive to Indiana and 11 back, thus on the road (again).  We will be on the road a lot this week.  Tomorrow will be the day where I head to New Mexico to spend the weekend with my little (or should I say my younger, taller brother.)  So that will be exciting.  Other than that, I don't have much to comment on for the day... I'm traveling (yaaay).  I took a nap, I saw cows bathing, I've eaten a weeks worth of junk food & fast food in one sitting (yet my Fitbit tells me I've gone 4,600 steps...I think it's lying to me, or counts every bite as a step!) Anyways, the trip is good, all and all, I am happy to finally be on the road.  Once when you announce your leaving someplace, it's just a countdown...But this countdown is finally over!  Next chapter in life:  More of an adulthood in a really, really hot state!  

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Times Are A Changin'


So if you are reading this, welcome.  This is my first post of a hopefully consistent blog...Named after the classic Old Western Movie, 3:10 to Yuma,  this is Matt K To Yuma! (Yeaaah, I know, but the best name I could think of...)  Anyways, this will be all about my adventures as a Minnesota born and raise individual moving out to Yuma AZ to start my teaching career as a 3rd grade teacher!

Times Are A Changin' 

I'm currently in Indiana, we go each year for the 4th of July.  With that, I remember clearly being here two years ago getting ready for starting up the youth group at Mercy Hill.  Praying, brainstorming, writing...everything one would do right before entering a new position with young people.  It's been odd saying goodbye to everyone.  Friends, family, the works!  So in this, I am sad, but also excited for the new adventure!  So if you know me, want to know me, or just hear some stories about a Minnesota kid going to Yuma, this is the place to be!  

Hopes of This Blog:

I hope that I can use the amazing 21st century's communication methods in order to stay in contact with those 1,800 miles away in MN.  That said, I hope to keep this updated with about 4 posts a week, we will see if I can maintain that, but that's the hope!  I can also be reached at other social networking sites too.  I hope you will take time reading this (as well as enjoying it!)  I will try to provide interesting stories!  (Which means I will have to try and do interesting things...It'll keep me busy I suppose!).  Also, feel free to comment on this blog too (the feature should be an option, if not please comment on this to let me know it doesn't work....[heehee]).  Anyways, that's all for post 1!  I guess T-minus 4 days until the move (or at least the start of the journey, I will be stopping in New Mexico for a few days to visit my lil bro [or should I say, my taller, younger brother.])
Also, if you haven't noticed, I enjoy using parentheses...Alot! (Same for ellipsis!)  So enjoy those, if you don't...Sorry!  (Maybe they will grow on you someday, who knows!)